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Survival Savvy: Gearing Up for the Next Level

People who prepare usually tend to focus on the survival basics: security/self-defense, water, food, first aid, sanitation/hygiene, knowing when to get out and when to stay put. This represents a great start, and if that’s all you do, you’ll still be far better off than the majority of the population.

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Against All Odds: Garmin Fenix 3 ABC/GPS Watch

For some time, I have either had to put up with a watch that ran slow, or use or make watch bands that separate the watch from my wrist. But with the invention of ABC watches (Altimeter, Barometer, Compass), I started taking a more serious look at digital watches. I didn’t like the watch function being digital any more than I ever had, but the other functionality definitely made up for it.
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Help From Above: Satellite Emergency Beacons

There are still vast areas, even along interstate highways and in population centers, where cell signal is absent. If you have an emergency in those places, there is no longer a pay phone on the corner, and you’ll find yourself back at the turn of the 20th century in terms of calling for help.