Starting the day after Inauguration Day, we have seen what the popular media terms “peaceful protests.” And while many have in fact been peaceful, some would be better characterized as riots.

Look at the events that occurred at the University of California, Berkeley: Epitomizing the word irony, demonstrators used their right of free speech to condemn the free speech of British journalist Milo Yiannopoulos and force the cancellation of his planned event.

But it didn’t stop there. The “demonstrators” quickly turned into rioters, breaking windows and starting fires.

We have seen lines of police officers standing their ground while being attacked with bottles and bricks. I think it’s time to take back our streets.

On 20 November 2016, authorities in North Dakota used high-pressure water hoses to quell a protest near the Dakota Access oil pipeline. Seventeen protesters were taken to the hospital—including some who were treated for hypothermia. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

The tactic worked, and I believe we will see it used more often.

While watching the news one evening, I heard a woman screeching over a bullhorn that the time for peaceful protests is over and it’s time to wage open war on the police, the government at large, and supporters of President Trump.

Be careful what you wish for, snowflake. This isn’t the game Call of Duty, and many of the folks you advocate attacking are trained, armed, and capable and willing to protect themselves and their loved ones.

Protests that block roadways and stop traffic have prevented ambulances and fire apparatus from responding to emergencies. In some cases, drivers who tried to slowly drive through the protest have been mobbed and their windows broken out. Out of fear for their lives, drivers have sped up and run over demonstrators. Again, play stupid games…

At the very least, protests that close down streets have a detrimental effect on business. Now several states have legislation that would enable peace officers to arrest those involved for “economic terrorism.”

I hope I’m wrong in thinking that things will get worse before they get better. In the meantime, maintain good situational awareness and be prepared with the appropriate measure of force if necessary.

In the March issue, I offered my opinion on national CCW reciprocity. Now our Second Amendment specialist, Kurt Hofmann, gives his perspective on it in Enemy at the Gate on page 32.

Until next time, stay low and watch your back.


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